Today I spent the great part of the day browsing through a couple of the local antique malls that I had not been to yet. One of the malls was rather large and I think I spent the greater part of 4 hours in there. :) *swoon* I found so many fabulous things I had to have - and plenty more that I have every intention of going back later this week and picking up too! Northern Arkansas in the Ozark Mountains area has a plethora of antique malls, flea markets, thrift stores, junk stores and rummage/yard sales. This may indeed be my downfall. LOL I'm thoroughly enjoying it though so I won't complain at all!
On another note, my baby turns 14 next Tuesday - where oh where does the time go? It's all going way too fast for me, with my oldest in the Army and this one turning 14, it seems to be flying by at light speed.
I hope everyone is having a great week - don't forget Veteran's Day tomorrow. All Veterans and service personnel eat free at Applebee's tomorrow, so let all of the Veterans and service personnel you know they are appreciated.
My boys :) I am a PROUD Army mom!